Integrated Hydrogen Supply Chain Optimization: A MILP Approach for Renewable Energy Transition BAĞDATLI ZEYNEP BİRCAN,AYDIN NEZİR 15th International Exergy, Energy, and Environment Symposium (IEEES-15) Cilt. Sayf.- 31.12.2024
Bildiriler (Ulusal)
Statistical Comparison Of Artificial Intelligence Techniques For Traveling Salesman Problem - Proceedings of 158 th The IIER International Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 29 th -30 th March 2018
BAĞDATLI ZEYNEP BİRCAN, Dindar Hilal, ŞAHİN YILDIZ, ÖZCAN TÜRKKAN BURCU Proceedings of 158 th The IIER International Conference Cilt. Sayf.- 30.03.2018