Enhanced Hybrid Facial Emotion Detection & classification AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH,GÜNEŞ ALİ,Ajlouni Firas,TAKAOĞLU MUSTAFA,Takaoğlu Faruk Takaoğlu Elsevier Journal of The Franklin Institute Cilt. Sayf.- 2024 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2773186324001300?via%3Dihub#cebibl1
Enhancing TNM Staging in Breast Cancer: A Hybrid Approach with CNN, Edge Detection, and Self-Organizing Maps for Improved Accuracy AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH,ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM,TAKAOĞLU MUSTAFA,Takaoğlu Faruk Takaoğlu,Ajlouni Firas Research Square Cilt.0 Sayf.- 2024 https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4794714/v1
Secure Mobile Authentication With Blockchain Utilizing Ecc, Zkps, and Post- Quantum Cryptography AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH,COŞKUN VEDAT,ÖZDENİZCİ KÖSE BÜŞRA research square Cilt. Sayf.- 2024 https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-5310431/v1
Enhancing PID Control Robustness in CSTRs: A Hybrid Approach to Tuning Under External Disturbances with GA, PSO, and Machine Learning AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH,GÜNEŞ ALİ,TAKAOĞLU MUSTAFA,Takaoğlu Faruk Takaoğlu research square Cilt. Sayf.- 2024 https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-5150659/v1
A Novel and Robust Hybrid Blockchain and Steganography Scheme TAKAOĞLU MUSTAFA, ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH, Alshahrani Ali, Alkasesbeh Basil Applied Sciences-Basel Cilt.11 Sayf.1-19 2021 https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/22/10698/htm
Medical image diagnosis based on adaptive Hybrid Quantum CNN AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH,ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM,TAKAOĞLU MUSTAFA,Takaoğlu Faruk Takaoğlu,Ajlouni Firas BMC Medical Imaging Cilt.23 Sayf.126-149 2023 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12880-023-01084-5
A novel adaptive momentum method for medical image classification using convolutional neural network aytac Utku can, GÜNEŞ ALİ, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Springer Science and Business Media LLC Cilt.22 Sayf.- 2022 http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12880-022-00755-z
A comparative study on signal processing of accelerated time histories HAMİTOĞLU ALİ, DEHGHANIAN KAVEH, MOGHIMI SAED, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH, Ajlouni Firas, ZONTUL METİN, SÖNMEZ FERDİ, RASHEED JAWAD Manchester Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Sciences Cilt.1 Sayf.9-14 2020 https://mjaias.co.uk/mj-en/article/view/5
Sonar Signals Discrimination Using BPVAM Algorithm HAMİTOĞLU ALİ, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH, DEHGHANIAN KAVEH, MOGHIMI SAED, Ajlouni Firas, ZONTUL METİN, SÖNMEZ FERDİ, ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM, RASHEED JAWAD Manchester Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Sciences Cilt.1 Sayf.39-42 2020 https://mjaias.co.uk/mj-en/article/view/10
A Survey of Artificial Intelligence Driven Blockchain Technology: Blockchain Intelligence AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH, ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM, TAKAOĞLU MUSTAFA Manchester Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Applied Sciences Cilt.2 Sayf.- 2021 https://mjaias.co.uk/article/a-survey-of-artificial-intelligence-driven-blockchain-technology-blockchain-intelligence
A Study of Current Methodologies and possible Recommendation for Supervising Undergraduate Graduate Projects in Both Government and private Universities in Jordan AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Jordan Journal of Applied Sciences Cilt. Sayf.- 2003
A Dynamic Model of Tabu Search for the Job-Shop Scheduling Pr AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Journal of Artificial Intelligence Cilt. Sayf.- 2009
Improving DBMS Security through the use of a Checksum Technique AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH International Journal of Computer Science information Security IJCSIS Cilt. Sayf.- 2018
Using Existing DBMS Functionality to Implement a Checksum Technique for Improved Security AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Information Systems Security Cilt. Sayf.- 2009
Using Genetic Algorithms for Microcode Compaction AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Journal of Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Cilt. Sayf.- 2008
Initial Performance Comparisons for the Delta Coding Algorithm AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Cilt. Sayf.- 2007
Reusability and Simplicity an Experience with Rijndael Algorithm’ AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Information Systems Sec Cilt. Sayf.- 2006
A mirror Implementation of Rijndael Ciphering System AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Information Systems Security Cilt. Sayf.- 2005
RASAN Java Encryption Decryption System AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Information Systems Security Cilt. Sayf.- 2005
Mathematical Investigation genetic Neural Implementation of Feed Forward PID controller AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH The International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems (IJICS) Cilt. Sayf.- 2003
Genetic Design of Evolutionary Non-Linear Robust PID Controllers with Optimal Soluti AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH European Journal of Control Cilt. Sayf.- 2004
Economic Efficiency Analysis for Information Technology in Developing Countries, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Jordan Journal of Applied Sciences, ISSN 1605-2587, March 2004. Cilt. Sayf.- 2004
The design of NeuroGenetic Model Reference PID Controller’ AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Journal of Applied Sciences Cilt. Sayf.- 2004
Genetic Design of fuzzy Mapped PID Controllers for Non-Linear Plants, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH The International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems (IJICS) Cilt. Sayf.- 2004
Best-Case Results enclosed Area Learning AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH The International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems (IJICS) Cilt. Sayf.- 1995
Genetic Design of Robust PID Controller to Deal with Prescribed Plant Uncertainty Through a Process of Competitive Co-Evolution AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH , ICGST International Journal on Automatic Control and System Engineering Cilt. Sayf.- 2000
On Line Frequency Domain Identification and Genetic Tuning of PID Controllers AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH The International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems (IJICS) Cilt. Sayf.- 2000
Genetic Algorithms for Auto Tuning of PID Smith Predictor Controller AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH ICGST International Journal on Automatic Control and System Engineering Cilt. Sayf.- 1999
Genetic Design of Neural PID Plus feed forward Controllers AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH ICGST International Journal on Automatic Control and System Engineering Cilt. Sayf.- 2003
Mathematical Investigation genetic Implementation of Feed Forward PID Controllers AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Cilt. Sayf.- 2003
Design of Fuzzy Mapped PID Controller AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering Cilt. Sayf.- 2002
Genetic Design of Set-Point Tracking PI controllers for Plants with Non-Linear Plants AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Jordan Journal of Applied Sciences. Jordan Journal of Applied Sciences Cilt. Sayf.- 2001
Genetic Design of a Gain-Scheduled Controller for Concentration System Control System AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Jordan Journal of Applied Sciences Cilt. Sayf.- 2000
Genetic Design of Interpolated Non-Linear Controllers for Linear Plants AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Dirast Cilt. Sayf.- 2000
Design of a Discrete Event Control System for a Manufacturing System Using Token Passing Ladder Logic AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Springer Cilt. Sayf.- 1998
Makaleler (Ulusal)
Highly Secured Hybrid Image Steganography with an Improved Key Generation and Exchange for One-Time-Pad Encryption Method TAKAOĞLU MUSTAFA, ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH, Takaoğlu Faruk Takaoğlu Afyon Kocatepe Universitesi Fen Ve Muhendislik Bilimleri Dergisi Cilt.23 Sayf.- 2023 http://dx.doi.org/10.35414/akufemubid.1128075
OTA 2.0: An Advanced and Secure Blockchain Steganography Algorithm AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH, TAKAOĞLU MUSTAFA, ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM, Takaoğlu Faruk Takaoğlu International Journal of Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering Cilt.9 Sayf.419-434 2023 chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/3342563
Bildiriler (Uluslararası)
Classification of Epileptic Seizures using Artificial Neural Network with Adaptive Momentum HAMİTOĞLU ALİ,JAMIL AKHTAR,AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH,RASHEED JAWAD,ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM,ORMAN ZEYNEP International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry Cilt. Sayf.- 20.01.2021 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icdabi51230.2020.9325688
Improving Stock Prediction Accuracy Using CNN and LSTM Rasheed Jawad,JAMIL AKHTAR,HAMİTOĞLU ALİ,ILYAS MUHAMMAD,ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM,AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry Cilt. Sayf.- 20.01.2021 https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDABI51230.2020.9325597
Application of Adaptive Back-Propagation Neural Networks for Parkinson’s Disease RASHEED JAWAD,HAMİTOĞLU ALİ,AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH,JAMIL AKHTAR,ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM,ORMAN ZEYNEP International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry Cilt. Sayf.- 20.01.2021 https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDABI51230.2020.9325709
Classification of Epileptic Seizures using Artificial Neural Network with Adaptive Momentum HAMİTOĞLU ALİ, JAMIL AKHTAR, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH, RASHEED JAWAD, ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM, ORMAN ZEYNEP International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry Cilt. Sayf.- 20.01.2021 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icdabi51230.2020.9325688
Application of Adaptive Back-Propagation Neural Networks for Parkinson’s Disease Prediction RASHEED JAWAD, HAMİTOĞLU ALİ, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH, JAMIL AKHTAR, ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM, ORMAN ZEYNEP International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry Cilt. Sayf.- 20.01.2021 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icdabi51230.2020.9325709
Improving Stock Prediction Accuracy Using CNN and LSTM RASHEED JAWAD, JAMIL AKHTAR, HAMİTOĞLU ALİ, ILYAS MUHAMMAD, ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry. Cilt. Sayf.- 20.01.2021 http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/icdabi51230.2020.9325597
BLOKZİNCİR TEMELLİ MİLLİ BAĞIŞ ZİNCİRİ PROJESİ TAKAOĞLU MUSTAFA, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH, ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM, HAMEED ALAA ALI Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar ve Yenilikçi Çalışmalar Sempozyumu Cilt. Sayf.344-369 15.03.2021 https://813e2aa8-714f-4d41-90ec-13bf6ce2b13e.filesusr.com/ugd/1dd905_27413d8a30694da680a74d19c83a62c8.pdf
Application of Adaptive Back-Propagation Neural Networks for Parkinson’s Disease Prediction Rasheed Jawad, HAMEED ALAA ALI, AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH, JAMIL AKHTAR, ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM, ORMAN ZEYNEP International Conference on Data Analytics for Business and Industry Cilt. Sayf.- 26.10.2020 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/9325571/proceeding
Design and implementation of a non-linear PID controller for a non-inertial referenced UAV AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Applied Research international conference on Millennial Technology Challenges (ARICMTC) ISTANBUL 2019 Cilt. Sayf.- 29.03.2019
Investigating the Performance of Robust Adaptive SOM against Conventional and Modified SOM Algorithms AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Computer Science and Engineering Cilt. Sayf.-
Intelligent Predictions of Parkinson’s Disease using Adaptive Back Propagation Neural Networks (ABPNN) Algorithm AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Global Conference on Neuroscience Neurology Cilt. Sayf.-
The Use of a Robust-Adaptive Self Organizing Map to Enhance the Prediction Performance of Clinical Dataset AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications Cilt. Sayf.-
An Efficient Medical Diagnosis Algorithm Based on a Hybrid Neural Network with a Variable Adaptive Momentum and PSO Algorithm AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications Cilt. Sayf.-
Epileptic Seizure Diagnoses system based on an Artificial Neural Network with Adaptive Momentum AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Epileptic Seizure Diagnoses system based on an Artificial Neural Network with Adaptive Momentum Cilt. Sayf.-
Customer Credit Rating Estimation By Using Machine Learning Methods. AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Applied Research International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics (ARIC-STEM, 2018) to be held on 27th-28th September 2018 at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey. Cilt. Sayf.- 27.09.2018 https://arintconferences.com/aricon-2018-istanbul-post/
A Comparative Study on Signal processing of Acceleration Time Histories AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Applied Research International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics (ARIC-STEM, 2018) to be held on 27th-28th September 2018 at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey Cilt. Sayf.- 27.09.2018 https://arintconferences.com/aricon-2018-istanbul-post/
Swarms intelligence for autonomous drones AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics (ARIC-STEM, 2018) to be held on 27th-28th September 2018 at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey. Cilt. Sayf.- 27.09.2018 https://arintconferences.com/aricon-2018-istanbul-post/
Investigation the Performance Efficiency Between The Standard BB84 And E91 Protocols Against The Permutated Recovering of Unused Quantum BITS Method AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH . Applied Research International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics (ARIC-STEM, 2018) to be held on 27th-28th September 2018 at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey. Cilt. Sayf.- 27.09.2018 https://arintconferences.com/aricon-2018-istanbul-post/
A New Sonar Signals Discrimination Using BPVAM Algorithm AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Applied Research International Conference on Science, Technology, Engineering Mathematics (ARIC-STEM, 2018) to be held on 27th-28th September 2018 at Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey. Cilt. Sayf.- 27.09.2018 https://arintconferences.com/aricon-2018-istanbul-post/
Role of Population Size, Crossover, and Mutation in Genetic Algorithm Design of PID Controllers AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH , IEEE, International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design, Cilt. Sayf.- 17.03.2007
Permutated Recovery of Unused Quantum Bits AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH . 2011 IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technology. Jordan University Cilt. Sayf.- 06.11.2011
Improved Information Hiding Technique in Digital Image AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH , the 2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligent Cilt. Sayf.- 21.06.2007
Abdualli, RANA Encryption Decryption System AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH The 2004 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice Cilt. Sayf.- 21.06.2004
An Extended Rijndael Block Cipher Algorithm Using Java AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH The 2004 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice Cilt. Sayf.- 21.06.2004
Genetic Design of Evolutionary Non-Linear Robust PID Controllers with Optimal Solutions AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH The 2004 International Conference on Artificial Intelligent Cilt. Sayf.- 21.06.2004
Mathematical Investigation Genetic Neural Implementation of Feed Forward PID Controller AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH The 2004 International Conference on Artificial Intelligent Cilt. Sayf.- 21.06.2004
Design of Neural Mapped PID Model Reference Controllers AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH International Multi-Conference/ Artificial Intellig Cilt. Sayf.- 21.06.2003
Genetic Design of a Gain Scheduled controller for a Non-linear concentration Control System’ AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH 5th IEEE, International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design Cilt. Sayf.- 23.06.1996
Genetic Design of a Gain Scheduled controller for a Non-linear concentration Control System’ AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH 5th IEEE, International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design Cilt. Sayf.- 23.06.1996
Genetic Design of PID Plus feed forward Controllers’ AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH 5th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation Cilt. Sayf.- 23.06.1996
Design of Desecrate Event Control System for Programmable Logic Controllers Using T-Timed Petri Nets AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH 5th IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design- CACSD Cilt. Sayf.- 23.06.1996
Conversion of Petri Nets Models of Manufacturing System to Ladder Logic’ Diagrams AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH 5th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation Cilt. Sayf.- 17.01.1996
Auto-tuning of Dual Mode Controllers Using Genetic Algorithms AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH International Federation of Automation Control (IFAC) Conference on Control of Industrial Systems Cilt. Sayf.- 13.02.1996
Genetic Design of Set-Point Tracking PID controllers for Plants with Non-Linear Actuators AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH 4th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics Vision, ICARCV,19 Cilt. Sayf.- 23.04.1996
Evolutionary Design of Robust PID controllers AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH 5th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automatio Cilt. Sayf.- 23.06.1996
Design of Model-Reference Neural PI controller AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH , 4th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics Vision, ICARCV Cilt. Sayf.- 13.12.1996
Design of Non-Linear PID Controllers using Genetic Algorithms AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH European Control Conference ECC Cilt. Sayf.- 23.07.1996
Genetic Design of Fuzzy Gain scheduled Controllers for Non-linear Plants AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Proceeding of The International ICSC Symposium on Fuzzy Logic Cilt. Sayf.- 26.05.1995
Genetic Design of Gain Scheduled Controllers for Non-linear Plants AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Proc IASTED Conference on control, Cilt. Sayf.- 06.06.1995
Kitaplar (Uluslararası)
Advances in Self-Organizing Maps, Learning Vector Quantization, Clustering and Data Visualization / Robust Adaptive SOMs Challenges in a Varied Datasets Analytics AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH Edit: / Yayın: Springer 2019
Kitaplar (Ulusal)
Highly Secure and Robust Forensic System: Fordex Forensic Chain / AJLOUNI NAIM MAHMOOD MUSLEH, ÖZYAVAŞ ADEM, TAKAOĞLU MUSTAFA, Takaoğlu Faruk Takaoğlu Edit: Fausto Pedro García Márquez, Akhtar Jamil, Süleyman Eken, Alaa Ali Hameed / Yayın: Springer 2023