Anti-oxidative and anti-genotoxic effects of carnosine on human lymphocyte culture ŞAHİN HİLAL Human & experimental toxicology Cilt.30 Sayf.1979-1985 2011
Anti-oxidative and anti-genotoxic effects of methanolic extract of Mentha pulegium on human lympocyte culture ŞAHİN HİLAL Toxicology and industrial health Cilt.27 Sayf.647-654 2011
Makaleler (Ulusal)
Alterations in expression of phosphatase and tensin homologous (PTEN) gene analyzed in the bronchial lavage samples of non-small cell lung cancer patients ŞAHİN HİLAL,KURU RAHİYE DİLHAN,YILMAZ NAİL,DEVİREN AYHAN,TUNÇDEMİR MATEM Annals of Clinical and Analytical Medicine Cilt.15 Sayf.11-15 2024
Bildiriler (Uluslararası)
Investigation of PTEN Genes by Fluorescent in-situ Hydridization Method in Bronchial Lavage of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients ŞAHİN HİLAL International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Academic Studies IMASES Cilt. Sayf.-
Bildiriler (Ulusal)
Küçük Hücreli Dışı Akciğer Kanseri Hastalarının Bronş Lavajında PTEN Geninin İmmünositokimya Yöntemi ile Araştırılması ŞAHİN HİLAL II. Moleküler Kanser Zirvesi Cilt. Sayf.- 22.03.2019