Analyzing effects of ELF electromagnetic fields on removing bacterial biofilm KARAGÜLER TURHAN, KAHRAMAN HASAN, TÜTER MELEK Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering Cilt.37 Sayf.336-340 2017
Bildiriler (Uluslararası)
Flexible multifunctional molecular vector construction for testing affinity applications KAHRAMAN HASAN,ŞAHİN DENİZ,GÜL KARAGÜLER NEVİN Workshop on Molecular Biomimetics and Bionanotechnology-II Cilt. Sayf.- 25.05.2007
Peptide (GEPI)-protein molecular hybrid construction for materials and medical applications - 'GEPI-based tag application' ŞAHİN DENİZ,KAHRAMAN HASAN Joint Conference of the 33rd FEBS Congress/11th IUBMB Conference Cilt. Sayf.- 03.07.2008
Molecular vector construction for binding affinity comparison of genetically engineered inorganic binding peptides and his-tagged proteins KAHRAMAN HASAN,ŞAHİN DENİZ,GÜL KARAGÜLER NEVİN Joint Conference of the 33rd FEBS Congress/11th IUBMB Conference Cilt. Sayf.- 03.07.2008
Removal of Bacterial Biofilms by Applying Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields KAHRAMAN HASAN,KARAGÜLER TURHAN 5th International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields, Environment and Health (EHE2014) Cilt. Sayf.- 26.04.2014
Bildiriler (Ulusal)
Multifunctional Molecular Vector Construction for Affinity Applications KAHRAMAN HASAN,ŞAHİN DENİZ,GÜL KARAGÜLER NEVİN 4. Ulusal Nanobilim ve Nanoteknoloji Konferansı (NanoTR4) Cilt. Sayf.- 13.06.2008
Çok Düşük Frekanslı Elektromanyetik Alan (ÇDF-EMA) Uygulanarak Bakteriyel Biyofilmlerin Kontrolü KAHRAMAN HASAN,KARAGÜLER TURHAN,TÜTER MELEK EMANET Sempozyum Cilt. Sayf.- 09.11.2013