A Two-Period Dynamic Game for a Substitutable Product Inventory Control Problem FAS GENCO,BİLGİÇ TANER International Journal of Inventory Research, Special Issue on Game Theory Applications in Inventory Research Cilt.2 Sayf.- 2013
Bildiriler (Uluslararası)
Hedging Scenarios Under Competition: A Game Theoretical Approach FAS GENCO,ŞENEL İLHAN KEREM 13th EBES Conference, Istanbul Cilt. Sayf.-
Analysis of Competition under Demand Substitution FAS GENCO,BİLGİÇ TANER IFORS 2011 Melbourne – Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies Cilt. Sayf.-
Competition under Substitution with Customer Satisfaction – A Two-Period Model FAS GENCO,BİLGİÇ TANER EUROINFORMS 2013 Rome – 26th European Conference on Operational Research Cilt. Sayf.-
Kitaplar (Uluslararası)
Risk Management, Strategic Thinking and Leadership in the Financial Services Industry / Exploring the Impact of Competitors Hedging Practices FAS GENCO,ŞENEL İLHAN KEREM Edit: Hasan Dinçer, Ümit Hacıoğlu / Yayın: Springer 2018